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Benjamin Luxon, John Mitchinson, Alfreda Hodgson & Alan Rowlands / John Ireland: The Songs (3CD)
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Benjamin Luxon, John Mitchinson, Alfreda Hodgson & Alan Rowlands / John Ireland: The Songs (3CD)

出版社: Lyrita
出版日期: 2012-06-12
商品库存: 点击查询库存
定价:   NT1200.00
市场价格: RM232.33
本店售价: RM206.77
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详细介绍 商品属性 商品标记

英國發燒錄音名廠Lyrita一向是TAS青睞的廠牌。1990年代在市場上沉寂一段時間後,於2006年和英國Wyastone Estate Limited(即Nimbus母公司)完成版權協商,已陸續出版先前已發行過的三十七款CD,以及一些之前完全未曾以任何形式發行的錄音。此外,其早期所出版的130多款LP,也陸續以CD形式問世。這個TAS榜單上的常客,旗下錄音清一色為英國作曲家作品。演奏陣容上除了包特(Sir Adrian Boult)、韓德利(Vernon Handley)、艾瑟頓(David Atherton)等指揮家,錄下一系列經典作品之外,更以作曲家指揮自身作品的錄音見長,包括阿諾(Malcolm Arnold)、華爾頓(William Walton)、艾爾文(William Alwyn)以及布利斯(Arthur Bliss)等英國近代作曲家,都在Lyrita都留下難得的錄音。這是一個風格和定位都十分清楚的廠牌,值得愛樂者細細品味。(Lyrita/Lins)

1-5. Songs of A Wayfarer
 1. Memory (William Blake)
 2. When Daffodils begin to peer (Shakespeare)
 3. English May (D. G. Rossetti)
 4. I was not sorrowful (Spleen) (Ernest Dowson)
 5. I will walk on the earth (James Vila Blake)
6. When Lights go rolling round the sky (James Vila Blake)
7. Hope the Hornblower (Henry Newbolt)
8. Sea Fever (John Masefield)
9-11. Marigold, Impression for Voice & Piano
 9. Youth’s Spring-Tribute (D. G. Rossetti)
 10. Penumbra (D. G. Rossetti)
 11. Spleen (Ernest Dowson, after Verlaine)
12-16. Five Poems by Thomas Hardy
 12. Beckon to me to come
 13. In my sage Moments
 14. It was what you bore with you, Woman
 15. The Tragedy of that Moment
 16. Dear, think not that they will forget you
17-19. Three Songs
 17. Love & Friendship (Emily Bronte)
 18. Friendship in Misfortune (anon.)
 19. The one Hope (D. G. Rossetti)
20-22.  We’ll to the Woods no more
 20. We’ll to the Woods no more (A. E. Housman)
 21. Spring will not wait

1-2. Two Songs
 1. Tryst (Arthur Symons)
 2. During Music (D. G. Rossetti)
3-8. Songs Sacred & Profane
 3. The Advent (Alice Meynell)
 4. Hymn for a Child (Sylvia Townsend Warner)
 5. My Fair (Alice Meynell)
 6. The Salley Gardens (W. B Yeats)
 7. The Solidier’s return (Sylvia Townsend Warner)
 8. The Scapegoat (Sylvia Townsend Warner)
9-13. Five XVIth Century Songs
 9. A Thanksgiving (Bassus)
 10. All in a Garden green (Thomas Howell)
 11. An aside (temp. Henry VIII)
 12. A Report Song (Nicholas Breton)
 13. The sweet Season (Richard Edwardes)
14. Blow out you Bugles (Rupert Brooke)
15. If there were Dreams to sell (Thomas Lovell Beddoes)
16. I have twelve Oxen (anon.)
17. Spring Sorrow (Rupert Brooke)
18. The Bells of San Marie (John Masefield)
19. The Journey (Ernest Blake)
20. The merry month of May (Thomas Dekker)
21. Vagabond (John Masefield)
22. When I am dead my dearest (Christina Rossetti)
23. Santa Chiara - Palm Sunday; Naples (Arthur Symons)
24. Great Things (Thomas Hardy)
25. If we must part (Ernest Dowson)
26. Tutto e sciolto (James Joyce)

為男高音的歌曲Songs for Tenor
1. The Heart’s desire (A. E. Housman)
2. The sacred flame (Mary Coleridge)
3. Remember (Mary Coleridge)
4. Hawthorne Time (A. E. Housman)
5. The East Riding (Eric Chilman)
6. Love is a sickness full of woes (Samuel Daniels)
7-12. The Land of Lost Content (A. E. Housman)
 7. The Lent Lily
 8. Ladslove
 9. Goal and Wicket
 10. The vain desire
 11. The encounter
 12. Epilogue
13-14. Two Songs
 13. The Trellis (Aldous Huxley)
 14. My true love hath my Heart (Sir Philip Sidney)

為女低音的歌曲Songs for Contralto
15. The three Ravens (trad.)
16. Bed in Summer (Robert Louis Stevenson)
17-24.  Mother & Child (Christina Rossetti)
 17. Newborn
 18. The only Child
 19. Hope
 20. Skylark and Nightingale
 21. The blind Boy
 22. Baby
 23. Death-parting
 24. The Garland
25. Earth’s Call, A Sylvan Rhapsody (Harold Monro)
26-28. Three Arthur Symons Songs
 26. The Adoration
 27. The Rat
 28. Rest
29. What art thou thinking of? (Christina Rossetti)
30-32. Three Thomas Hardy Songs
 30. Summer schemes
 31. Her Song
 32. Weathers

男中音:班傑明.路克頌Benjamin Luxon (CD-1 & CD-2)
男高音:約翰.米勤森John Mitchinson (CD-3)
女低音:愛兒佛芮妲.霍吉森Alfreda Hodgson (CD-3)
鋼琴:艾倫.勞倫茲Alan Rowlands
錄音:1972-1973年 (CD-1 & CD-2)、1978年 (CD-3)
