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当前位置: 首页 > 影音.CD > 艾靈頓公爵與約翰柯川 / 艾靈頓與柯川【Verve-Acoustic Sounds留聲美學經典昇華系列】荒島名盤- AMG-5星/DownBeat-4星/滾石爵士4星/流行百科4星(LP唱片)(限台灣)
艾靈頓公爵與約翰柯川 / 艾靈頓與柯川【Verve-Acoustic Sounds留聲美學經典昇華系列】荒島名盤- AMG-5星/DownBeat-4星/滾石爵士4星/流行百科4星(LP唱片)(限台灣)
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艾靈頓公爵與約翰柯川 / 艾靈頓與柯川【Verve-Acoustic Sounds留聲美學經典昇華系列】荒島名盤- AMG-5星/DownBeat-4星/滾石爵士4星/流行百科4星(LP唱片)(限台灣)

出版社: 環球 Verve
出版日期: 2023-04-14
商品库存: 点击查询库存
定价:   NT1669.00
市场价格: RM323.12
本店售价: RM287.58
促销价: RM284.35
剩余时间: 请稍等, 正在载入中...
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★【Verve留聲美學經典昇華系列-Verve -"Acoustic Sounds" Series】-爵士名廠Verve最新開發的頂級音質序列精品黑膠系列【Verve留聲美學經典昇華系列-"Verve Acoustic Sounds"】以Verve Music Group旗下的經典爵士廠牌- Verve, Impulse, Mercury/EmArcy, and Argo/Cadet為強大的基底,所有精挑的瑰藏均以珍貴原始母帶重新製作re-mastered,所有此系列產品以180克重磅黑膠於堪薩斯州知名的QRP原地壓製,並以全新行家典藏級包裝格式生產,所有此系列產品由錄音界大師Chad Kassem與其聲震全球的"Acoustic Sounds"錄音室背書監製...
★Utilizing the skills of the top mastering engineers and the unsurpassed production craft of Quality Record Pressings, the Acoustic Sounds series is mastered from the original analog tapes, pressed on 180-gram vinyl and packaged by Stoughton Printing Co. in high-quality gatefold sleeves with tip-on jackets. The releases are supervised by Chad Kassem, CEO of Acoustic Sounds, the world’s largest source for audiophile recordings.
★The Acoustic Sounds series, a different storied label spanning Verve/UME’s extraordinarily rich archive. To begin with, the series will largely focus on some of the most popular albums from the 1950s and 1960s in their unmatched catalogue
★This essential 1962 album showcases the modern jazz saxophone innovator performing alongside the colossus of jazz piano and composition. Only Coltrane could be this 'fiercely tender,' and there's no better forum for his sensitive side than the music of Ellington and Billy Strayhorn, who contributes the album's true gem, 'My Little Brown Book.' Ellington is wise enough to appreciate the nature of the session and is quite content to feed chords in service of the young master—proving the old master's open mind and good taste—most obviously on their now-classic 'In a Sentimental Mood'.
這張專輯收錄的曲目以艾靈頓公爵的經典為主,演奏雖以Coltrane的四重奏擔綱,聆聽者可由柯川的主奏風格中聽到艾靈頓公爵作品的另一優秀的詮釋,如"In A Sentimental Mood的"高潮迭起,或是"Take A Coltrane"、"Big Nick"與"My Little Brown Book"等讓人記憶深刻的演奏,都值得推薦聆賞。
 鋼琴手Don Shirley說「雖然艾靈頓公爵不是上帝,但已不遠矣!」說明了艾靈頓公爵在爵士樂壇的重要地位,身兼作曲、編曲者及樂隊領班,以無限的才華寫下無數的經典,並創下樂隊50年的榮景。而Coltrane則是以優雅充滿靈性的薩克斯風聲響,不斷超越自我並以豐富的作品建構成音樂版圖的爵士樂巨人,一舉改變人們對爵士演奏的人認知。
1962年發行的這張經典專輯收錄的曲目以艾靈頓公爵的經典為主,演奏雖以Coltrane的四除奏擔綱,但節奏部分則以艾靈頓公爵慣常合作的貝斯手Aaron Bell、鼓手Sam Woodyard擔任,聆聽者可由柯川的主奏風格中聽到艾靈頓公爵作品的另一優秀的詮釋,如"In A Sentimental Mood"的高潮迭起,或是"Take A Coltrane"、"Big Nick"與"My Little Brown Book"等讓人記憶深刻的演奏,成為爵士樂史上最令人難忘一頁偉頁篇章...
1.In A Sentimental Mood (SIDE A)
2.Take The Coltrane (SIDE A)
3.Big Nick (SIDE A)
4.Stevie (SIDE A)
5.My Little Brown Book  (SIDE B)
6.Angelica  (SIDE B)
7.The Feeling Of Jazz  (SIDE B)