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莎拉.潔洛【葛萊美民謠才女第一人】/ 世界沈靜(黑膠典藏版) -【2021葛萊美獎最佳美國精神專輯獎得主!!!】(LP黑膠唱片)(限台灣)
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莎拉.潔洛【葛萊美民謠才女第一人】/ 世界沈靜(黑膠典藏版) -【2021葛萊美獎最佳美國精神專輯獎得主!!!】(LP黑膠唱片)(限台灣)

出版社: Universal
出版日期: 2021-05-14
商品库存: 点击查询库存
定价:   NT1149.00
市场价格: RM222.45
本店售价: RM197.98
促销价: RM186.86
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★專輯榮獲2021年第63屆葛萊美獎最佳美國精神專輯獎Best Americana Album 得主!!! (此獎為表揚深具美國音樂風格的作品之獎項,常常聚焦在民謠藍草等彰顯美國傳統精神的音樂領域...)
★三座葛萊美獎肯定的德州奧斯汀鄉村民謠音樂才女歌手,專輯中單曲"Hometown"獲得2021年葛萊美獎最佳美國草根音樂歌曲提名,專輯由製作過民謠創作女歌手Shawn Colvin全美熱門單曲榜TOP 10暢銷曲"Sunny Came Home"的葛萊美獎製作人John Leventhal擔任製作

★Singer, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist Sarah Jarosz was seemingly born a musician -- she was already a virtuoso on mandolin by the time she was 10. Jarosz left no doubt as to where her future was going, and at 12 years old she was jamming with the likes of David Grisman and Ricky Skaggs on-stage. But she wasn't really bluegrass so much as she was something else: a fine and graceful songwriter with a sweet, timeless voice that gave her songs and well-chosen covers tremendous resonance. With her fourth album, Undercurrent, Jarosz made a studied departure from her previous records, shifting the emphasis from her skills as a multi-instrumentalist to her songwriting and vocal performance. The record took home two Grammy Awards in 2017-Best Folk Album and Best American Roots Performance for "House Of Mercy." Undercurrent also picked up the award for 2017 Album of the Year from Folk Alliance International. I'm With Her's (feat. Sara Watkins, Sarah Jarosz, and Aoife O'Donovan) single "Call My Name" also took home the 2020 GRAMMY Award for Best American Roots Song. Jarosz continues to make frequent appearances on the Chris Thile-hosted "Live From Here" (formerly A Prairie Home Companion) and in 2020, she will tour extensively in support of her new album World On The Ground.

在專輯【World On The Ground】中,榮獲三座葛萊美獎的創作女歌手Sarah Jarosz透過令人著迷的歌聲,細節豐富的歌曲創作,探索美國德州家鄉小鎮緊繃的一面與懶惰慣性,想要逃走的慾望,待在家鄉的輕鬆自在,現年29歲的Sarah Jarosz在許多描述只想漫無目標地四處流浪,或是坐在門廊做著白日夢的真實與虛構人物的歌曲裡頭,顯現出她深入其他人的生活中,耐心的發掘出許多深刻見解的出色才華。

【World On The Ground】專輯由五座葛萊美獎肯定的製作人John Leventhal擔任製作,John Leventhal製作過歌手老婆Rosanne Cash的專輯「The River & The Thread」,民謠女歌手Shawn Colvin的專輯「A Few Small Repairs」(*包含全美熱門單曲榜TOP 10暢銷曲"Sunny Came Home"),曼菲斯老牌靈魂樂男歌手William Bell的專輯「This Is Where I Live」,也曾與Willie Nelson,Lucinda Williams,Elvis Costello,Paul Simon,Edie Brickell等多位歌手合作,在【World On The Ground】專輯,John Leventhal在塑造專輯寬闊且豐富的音樂細節之餘,也在Sarah Jarosz決定將專輯的重點放在複雜精細的故事敘述上扮演重要的角色,Jarosz接受Leventhal的建議,仔細觀察她透過歌曲創作所建構的世界,潛入在德州長大的成長記憶,回想從過去走到現在的歷程,回歸自己的根源與家鄉。Sarah Jarosz表示,此張專輯打從一開始就是抱持著錄製試錄帶的態度進行創作,結果,專輯裡百分之90的歌曲都是試錄帶的原始模樣,真實的捕捉了音樂創作完成瞬間的樣貌,於是,專輯成了她出道以來在情感表達上最為真實的一張作品,她希望樂迷能在她所創作的歌曲故事裡找到情感上的連結。

2.Pay It No Mind
5.Orange And Blue
6.I'll Be Gone
8.What Do I Do
9.Empty Square
10.Little Satchel