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韋佛家族最愛精選 (SACD)
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韋佛家族最愛精選 (SACD)

出版日期: 2017-01-12
商品库存: 点击查询库存
定价:   NT1298.00
市场价格: RM251.30
本店售价: RM223.66
促销价: RM221.14
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RCA Living Stereo-最高級黃金規格的管弦樂演出之音!混合多聲道SACD。



★人聲與樂器定位精準無比、舞台活生感真實得驚人! Analogue Productions 3聲道SACD終極發燒版本隆重推出!

1948年於紐約格林威治村由Pete Seeger等人所組成的 The Weavers,是著名樂團 Peter, Paul & Mary的前身,也是民謠之所以能融入搖滾的重要轉捩點之一;但在 1950他們卻因美國的紅色恐慌、被指為共產黨同路人而被迫解散,1963 年在卡內基音樂廳重新聚首演出的這場盛會更顯珍貴,許多受他們影響的民謠歌手也共襄盛舉,整場音樂會精采絕倫!

HiFi News ALBUM CHOICE for January 2016! 
Mastered by Kevin Gray from the original 3-track tape
Recorded on location at Carnegie Hall

"At a time when political misfits are enjoying dangerous crediblity in positions of real power, it's hard to be blasé while reviewing works by nihilists, anarchists or other so-called rebels. Thus it is through gritted teeth I force myself, in the role of audio critic, to subsume my abhorrence of naive 'Kumbaya' warblers and recognize the genuine sonic excellence of this perennial audiophile favorite. Still, I love knowing that this cliché'd, right-on, PC fare — 'Wimoweh,' 'If I Had A Hammer,' 'Study War No More,' et al — will be played without irony through systems that cost more than the annual national wage. Decades before 'unplugged' became a commercial proposition, this was the genuine acoustic standard." — Sound Quality = 93% — Ken Kessler, HiFi News, January 2016

Recorded on location at Carnegie Hall on May 2 and 3, 1963, at two historic concerts celebrating the 15th anniversary of the Weavers featuring Bernie Krause, Frank Hamilton, Pete Seeger, Erik Darling, Ronnie Gilbert, Lee Hays and Fred Hellerman.

The Weavers are, some profess, the greatest folk group of the past century. They fostered the folk boom of the late 1950s and early 1960s, yet as All Music Guide notes, others scored with their songs, notably Peter, Paul and Mary, who took the early Weavers song "If I Had a Hammer" into the Top 10. The group reclaimed that song and others, such as "Wimoweh" (which was pilfered by the Tokens as "The Lion Sleeps Tonight"), and at their reunion performed their own old hits such as "Goodnight Irene."

Numerous lead singers make this concert sound more like a folk festival than a group performance, but this record remains a very spirited and passionate performance. This is a real classic, both musically and sonically. This Hybrid SACD plays in both CD and SACD players, as well as all SACD-compatible DVD players.
