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出版社: 上海科學技術出版社
出版日期: 2022-01-01
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市场价格: RM645.03
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美國著名出版公司 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2011 年推出骨科手術學巨著 Operative Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery ,上海科學技術出版社於 2013 年引進並出版其中文版,此番再次引進第二版。第二版在保持原有學科框架的基礎上,對臨床骨科各亞學科的各項手術技術進行了更新和補充,正文內容擴充了 3500 多面、 800 多萬字,細分為足踝外科、小兒骨科、創傷外科、肩肘外科、運動醫學、關節重建外科、手腕肘外科、脊柱外科、骨腫瘤外科 9 個分冊。同時,第二版傳承了版諸多先進的編寫理念,以大量的手術實例圖片配合簡明、精煉的文字,一步步( step-by-step )向讀者闡明怎樣做手術( how-to-do ),版式新穎,圖文並茂;在手術原則和技術細節方面言簡意賅,沒有長篇贅述,而是使用專案符號引領,方便讀者閱讀和查找;每項手術操作結束後都有高度概括的 “ 要點與失誤防範 ” ,系作者多年臨床經驗的高度濃縮,也是本書的精華所在。本套書內容全面、系統,實用性強,適合各級臨床骨科醫生及研究生閱讀使用。


張長青,主任醫師,教授,醫學博士,博士生導師。現任上海交通大學附屬第六人民醫院副院長,上海市創傷骨科臨床醫學中心主任。亞太重建顯微外科候任主席,中華醫學會顯微外科學分會候任主任委員、中國醫師協會骨科醫師分會副會長、中華醫學會骨科分會委員、中華醫學會骨科分會創傷學組副組長、中國醫師協會創傷委員會副主任、上海市醫師協會骨科醫師分會會長、上海市醫學會顯微外科分會名譽主任委員、上海市醫學會骨科分會副主任委員;擔任《中國修復重建外科雜誌》副主委、《國際骨科學雜誌》主編、 JBJS ( Br )特邀審稿專家等多個雜誌編委。發表論文 180 餘篇,其中 SCI 論文 87 篇,主編專著 12 部、主譯專著 5 部,其中《 Wiesel 骨科手術學》獲得 2014 上海市優秀圖書一等獎。


 1  肩關節 SHOULDER
第 1 章 肩關節鏡基礎 1
Shoulder Arthroscopy: The Basics
Shoulder Arthroscopy: The Basics
第 2 章 肩關節前向不穩的關節鏡治療 8
Arthroscopic Treatment of Anterior Shoulder Instability
Arthroscopic Treatment of Anterior Shoulder Instability
第 3 章 肩關節後方不穩的關節鏡治療 19
Arthroscopic Treatment of Posterior Shoulder Instability
Arthroscopic Treatment of Posterior Shoulder Instability
第 4 章 肩關節多向不穩的關節鏡治療 25
Arthroscopic Treatment of Multidirectional Shoulder Instability
Arthroscopic Treatment of Multidirectional Shoulder Instability
第 5 章 上盂唇前後向撕裂的關節鏡治療 33
Arthroscopic Treatment of Superior Labral Anterior Posterior
Arthroscopic Treatment of Superior Labral Anterior Posterior ( SLAP ) Tears
第 6 章 投擲肩 39
Throwing Shoulder
Throwing Shoulder
第 7 章 肱二頭肌腱病變的關節鏡治療 54
Arthroscopic Treatment of Biceps Tendinopathy
Arthroscopic Treatment of Biceps Tendinopathy
第 8 章 肩峰撞擊症的關節鏡治療 67
Arthroscopic Treatment of Subacromial Impingement
Arthroscopic Treatment of Subacromial Impingement
第 9 章 肩鎖關節病 75
Acromioclavicular Disorders
Acromioclavicular Disorders
第 10 章 肩袖撕裂的關節鏡治療 81
Arthroscopic Treatment of Rotator Cuff Tears
Arthroscopic Treatment of Rotator Cuff Tears
第 11 章 肩胛下肌腱撕裂包括喙突下撞擊的關節鏡治療 91
Arthroscopic Treatment of Subscapularis Tears, Including Subcoracoid Impingement
Arthroscopic Treatment of Subscapularis Tears, Including Subcoracoid Impingement
第 12 章 肩鎖關節損傷的修復與重建 102
Repair and Reconstruction of Acromioclavicular Injuries
Repair and Reconstruction of Acromioclavicular Injuries
第 13 章 關節鏡下肩鎖關節固定 114
Arthroscopic Acromioclavicular Joint Stabilization
Arthroscopic Acromioclavicular Joint Stabilization
第 14 章 關節鏡下松解神經卡壓症 119
Arthroscopic Release of Nerve Entrapment
Arthroscopic Release of Nerve Entrapment
第 15 章 關節鏡下關節囊松解治療運動損失 124
Arthroscopic Capsular Releases for Loss of Motion
Arthroscopic Capsular Releases for Loss of Motion
第 16 章 肩胛胸疾病的關節鏡治療 134
Scapulothoracic Arthroscopy
Scapulothoracic Arthroscopy
第 17 章 關節鏡下清理術和關節盂成形術治療肩關節退化性關節炎 143
Arthroscopic Débridement and Glenoidplasty for Shoulder Degenerative Joint Disease
Arthroscopic Débridement and Glenoidplasty for Shoulder Degenerative Joint Disease
第 18 章 Bankart 修復和下關節囊移位術 150
Bankart Repair and Inferior Capsular Shift
Bankart Repair and Inferior Capsular Shift
第 19 章 復發性肩關節後方不穩的治療 163
Treatment of Recurrent Posterior Shoulder Instability
Treatment of Recurrent Posterior Shoulder Instability
第 20 章 Latarjet 術治療伴骨缺損的肩關節不穩 178
Latarjet Procedure for Instability with Bone Loss
Latarjet Procedure for Instability with Bone Loss
第 21 章 肩盂植骨治療伴骨缺損的肩關節不穩 189
Glenoid Bone Graft for Instability with Bone Loss
Glenoid Bone Graft for Instability with Bone Loss
第 22 章 合併肱骨骨缺損的肩關節不穩的治療 198
Management of Glenohumeral Instability with Humeral Bone Loss
Management of Glenohumeral Instability with Humeral Bone Loss

 2  肘關節和腕關節 ELBOW AND WRIST
第 23 章 肘關節鏡基礎 208
Elbow Arthroscopy: The Basics
Elbow Arthroscopy: The Basics
第 24 章 軟骨損傷和剝脫性骨軟骨炎的關節鏡治療 218
Arthroscopic Treatment of Chondral Injuries and Osteochondritis Dissecans
Arthroscopic Treatment of Chondral Injuries and Osteochondritis Dissecans
第 25 章 肘關節外翻伸直過度負荷的關節鏡治療 229
Arthroscopic Treatment of Valgus Extension Overload
Arthroscopic Treatment of Valgus Extension Overload
第 26 章 肘關節活動度缺失的關節鏡治療 234
Arthroscopic Treatment of Elbow Loss of Motion
Arthroscopic Treatment of Elbow Loss of Motion
第 27 章 肘關節鏡下清理治療肘關節退行性疾病 244
Arthroscopic Débridement for Elbow Degenerative Joint Disease
Arthroscopic Débridement for Elbow Degenerative Joint Disease
第 28 章 肱骨外上髁炎(網球肘)的關節鏡治療 249
Lateral Epicondylitis
Lateral Epicondylitis ( Tennis Elbow ) Arthroscopic Treatment
第 29 章 Panner 病和剝脫性骨軟骨炎的肘關節鏡治療 258
Elbow Arthroscopy for Panner Disease and Osteochondritis Dissecans
Elbow Arthroscopy for Panner Disease and Osteochondritis Dissecans
第 30 章 腕關節鏡:術前準備和手術技術 264
Arthroscopy of the Wrist: Preparation and Techniques
Arthroscopy of the Wrist: Preparation and Techniques

 3  髖關節 HIP
第 31 章 髖關節鏡基礎 276
Hip Arthroscopy: The Basics
Hip Arthroscopy: The Basics
第 32 章 軟骨損傷 288
Cartilage Injuries
Cartilage Injuries
第 33 章 股髖撞擊症的關節鏡治療 295
Scope for Femoroacetabular Impingement
Scope for Femoroacetabular Impingement
第 34 章 彈響髖 / 髖外側 306
Snapping Hip/Lateral Hip
Snapping Hip/Lateral Hip
第 35 章 運動疝和內收肌損傷 316
Athletic Pubalgia and Adductor Injuries
Athletic Pubalgia and Adductor Injuries
第 36 章 髖關節周圍間隙的關節鏡手術 322
Periarticular Arthroscopy
Periarticular Arthroscopy
第 37 章 繩肌近端損傷 333
Proximal Hamstring Injury
Proximal Hamstring Injury
第 38 章 基於滑膜的疾病 339
Synovial-Based Disorder
Synovial-Based Disorder

 4  膝關節 KNEE
第 39 章 膝關節鏡基礎 351
Knee Arthroscopy: The Basic
Knee Arthroscopy: The Basic
第 40 章 關節鏡下滑膜切除術 359
Scope Synovectomy
Scope Synovectomy
第 41 章 關節鏡下半月板切除術 367
Arthroscopic Meniscectomy
Arthroscopic Meniscectomy
第 42 章 半月板修補 378
Meniscal Repair
Meniscal Repair
第 43 章 半月板移植 392
Meniscal Transplant
Meniscal Transplant
第 44 章 微骨折軟骨成形術 406
Microfracture Chondroplasty
Microfracture Chondroplasty
第 45 章 自體骨軟骨柱移植 414
Osteochondral Autograft “Plug” Transfer
Osteochondral Autograft “Plug” Transfer
第 46 章 自體軟骨細胞移植 423
Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation
Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation
第 47 章 異體軟骨移植 433
Allograft Cartilage Transplantation
Allograft Cartilage Transplantation
第 48 章 剝脫性骨軟骨炎和缺血性壞死 441
Osteochondritis Dissecans and Avascular Necrosis
Osteochondritis Dissecans and Avascular Necrosis
第 49 章 前交叉韌帶單束重建 456
Single-Bundle Anterior Cruciate Ligament
Single-Bundle Anterior Cruciate Ligament
第 50 章 前交叉韌帶雙束重建 468
Double-Bundle Anterior Cruciate Ligament
Double-Bundle Anterior Cruciate Ligament
第 51 章 前交叉韌帶重建術後翻修 476
Revision Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction
Revision Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction
第 52 章 後交叉韌帶重建手術 486
Posterior Cruciate Ligament Surgery
Posterior Cruciate Ligament Surgery
第 53 章 膝關節內側副韌帶急慢性損傷的修復 498
Repair of Acute and Chronic Knee Medial Collateral Ligament Injuries
Repair of Acute and Chronic Knee Medial Collateral Ligament Injuries
第 54 章 後外側角損傷治療 506
Management of Posterolateral Corner Injuries
Management of Posterolateral Corner Injuries
第 55 章 膝關節多發韌帶損傷處理 517
Management of the Multiple Ligament–Injured Knee
Management of the Multiple Ligament–Injured Knee
第 56 章 急慢性髕腱撕裂的修復 530
Repair of Acute and Chronic Patella Tendon Tears
Repair of Acute and Chronic Patella Tendon Tears
第 57 章 急慢性股四頭肌腱斷裂的修復 535
Repair of Acute and Chronic Quadriceps Tendon Ruptures
Repair of Acute and Chronic Quadriceps Tendon Ruptures
第 58 章 膝關節活動受限 542
Knee Loss of Motion
Knee Loss of Motion
第 59 章 膝關節外側松解術 551
Knee Lateral Release
Knee Lateral Release
第 60 章 內側髕股韌帶重建術 557
Medial Patellofemoral Ligament Reconstruction
Medial Patellofemoral Ligament Reconstruction
第 61 章 脛骨結節移位術 566
Tibial Tubercle Transfer
Tibial Tubercle Transfer
第 62 章 滑車加深成形術 574
Deepening Trochleoplasty
Deepening Trochleoplasty
第 63 章 脛骨近端截骨(脛骨高位截骨) 584
Upper Tibial Osteotomy
Upper Tibial Osteotomy ( High Tibial Osteotomy ) 
第 64 章 關節鏡輔助下或切開復位內固定治療脛骨棘骨折 595
Arthroscopy-Assisted Management or Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of Tibial Spine Fractures
Arthroscopy-Assisted Management or Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of Tibial Spine Fractures
第 65 章 骨骼未發育成熟患者的前交叉韌帶重建 604
Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction in the Skeletally Immature Patient
Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction in the Skeletally Immature Patient
第 66 章 關節鏡下剝脫性骨軟骨炎的鑽孔和固定 617
Arthroscopic Drilling and Fixation of Osteochondritis Dissecans
Arthroscopic Drilling and Fixation of Osteochondritis Dissecans
第 67 章 外側盤狀半月板成形術 625
Meniscoplasty for Discoid Lateral Meniscus
Meniscoplasty for Discoid Lateral Meniscus
第 68 章 剝脫性骨軟骨炎和膝關節大段骨軟骨缺損 629
Osteochondritis Dissecans and Large Osteochondral Defects of the Knee
Osteochondritis Dissecans and Large Osteochondral Defects of the Knee
第 69 章 急性和慢性髕骨不穩定 637
Acut e Patellar and Chronic Patellar Instability
Acute Patellar and Chronic Patellar Instability

第 70 章 慢性疲勞性筋膜室綜合征 648
Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome
Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome
第 71 章 下肢神經卡壓 659
Lower Extremity Nerve Entrapment
Lower Extremity Nerve Entrapment
第 72 章 運動醫學中的植入物 668
Implants in Sports Medicine
第 73 章 踝關節鏡 680
Arthroscopy of the Ankle
第 74 章 距骨骨軟骨損傷的微骨折治療:觀點 1 687
Microfracture for Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus: Perspective 1
第 75 章 距骨骨軟骨損傷的微骨折治療:觀點 2 695
Microfracture for Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus: Perspective 2
第 76 章 後踝關節鏡和後足內鏡技術 702
Posterior Ankle Arthroscopy and Hindfoot Endoscopy
第 77 章 後踝撞擊症的經後側入路內鏡下治療 712
Endoscopic Treatment of Posterior Ankle Impingement through a Posterior Approach
第 78 章 距下關節鏡:觀點 1 719
Subtalar Arthroscopy: Perspective 1
Subtalar Arthroscopy: Perspective 1 
第 79 章 距下關節鏡:觀點 2 728
Subtalar Arthroscopy: Perspective 2
Subtalar Arthroscopy: Perspective 2 
第 80 章 同種異體幼年軟骨微粒移植治療距骨骨軟骨損傷 736
Particulated Juvenile Cartilage Allograft Transplantation for Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus
第 81 章 骨軟骨移植治療距骨骨軟骨損傷 744
Osteochondral Transfer for Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus
第 82 章 前側脛骨截骨治療距骨骨軟骨損傷 757
Anterior Tibial Osteotomy for Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus
第 83 章 距骨骨軟骨損傷:結構性同種異體骨移植 761
Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus: Structural Allograft
第 84 章 自體軟骨細胞移植 775
Autologous Chondrocyte Transplantation
第 85 章 改良 Brostrom 和 Brostrom-Evans 方法 786
Modified Brostrom and Brostrom-Evans Procedures
第 86 章 踝關節外側不穩定的解剖修復 799
Anatomic Repair of Lateral Ankle Instability
第 87 章 踝關節外側不穩定的 繩肌自體肌腱移植 / 增強術 808
Hamstring Autografting/Augmentation for Lateral Ankle Instability
第 88 章 異體肌腱與介面螺釘固定的踝關節外側韌帶重建 817
Lateral Ankle Ligament Reconstruction Using Allograft and Interference Screw Fixation
第 89 章 踝關節外側慢性不穩定 826
Chronic Lateral Ankle Instability
第 90 章 三角韌帶重建 833
Deltoid Ligament Reconstruction
第 91 章 內踝 / 三角韌帶重建 840
Medial Ankle/Deltoid Ligament Reconstruction
第 92 章 開放跟腱修補 854
Open Achilles Tendon Repair
第 93 章 小切口跟腱修補:方法 1 861
Mini-Open Achilles Tendon Repair: Perspective 1 
第 94 章 小切口跟腱修補:方法 2 872
Mini-Open Achilles Tendon Repair: Perspective 2 
第 95 章 經皮跟腱修補:方法 1 878
Percutaneous Achilles Tendon Repair: Perspective 1 
第 96 章 經皮跟腱修補:方法 2 884
Percutaneous Achilles Tendon Repair: Perspective 2 
第 97 章 跟骨後側滑囊鏡(鏡下骨贅、滑囊及腱旁膜清理) 888
Retrocalcaneal Bursoscopy(Endoscopic Removal of Bone, Bursa, and Paratenon)
第 98 章 跟腱止點病 894
Insertional Achilles Tendinopathy
第 99 章 長屈肌腱加強治療跟腱止點炎 904
Flexor Hallucis Longus Tendon Augmentation for the Treatment of Insertional Achilles Tendinosis
第 100 章 跟腱病的開放手術治療 911
Open Management of Achilles Tendinopathy
第 101 章 長屈肌腱轉位治療跟腱炎 919
Flexor Hallucis Longus Transfer for Achilles Tendinosis
第 102 章 跟腱延長術 926
Achilles Tendon Lengthening
第 103 章 腓骨肌腱撕裂的修補 934
Repair of Peroneal Tendon Tears
第 104 章 腓骨肌腱脫位的修復:方法 1 942
Repair of Dislocating Peroneal Tendons: Perspective 1 
第 105 章 腓骨肌腱脫位的修復:方法 2 951
Repair of Dislocating Peroneal Tendons: Perspective 2 
第 106 章 脛前肌腱斷裂的重建 958
Reconstruction of Tibialis Anterior Tendon Ruptures
第 107 章 肌腱轉位術治療足下垂 967
Tendon Transfer for Foot Drop
第 108 章 第 5 蹠骨近端骨折的手術治療 984
Surgical Management of Proximal Fifth Metatarsal Fractures
運動醫學體格檢查表 995
Exam Table for Sports Medicine Surgery
索引 1021