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作者: 王譯博,張琳琳(主編)
出版社: 高等教育出版社
出版日期: 2015-09-01
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定价:   NT156.00
市场价格: RM28.04
本店售价: RM24.96
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Unit 1 Economics and Management ………………………………………………… 1
Passage 1 Social mobility:no room at the top 社會流動高層職位,遙不可及…………………………………………………………………… 1
Passage 2 The RBS sell?off:a bad deal all round 拋售蘇格蘭皇家銀行:完全是虧本的生意………………………………………………… 4
Passage 3 HSBC:a bank beyond shame 匯豐銀行:一家極其無恥的銀行………………………………………………………………………… 7
Passage 4 France fights back 法國在抵抗外國收購…………………………… 10
Passage 5 From advising to doing 從咨詢到實際操作………………………… 13
Passage 6 Digital disruption on the farm 數碼科技對農場的干擾…………… 17
Passage 7 A very British binge 瘋漲的房價……………………………………… 21
Passage 8 Shock therapy 休克療法………………………………………………… 24
Passage 9 The case for money laundering 「洗錢」案…………………………… 26
Passage 10 The Five Commandments Of Warren Buffett And Charlie Munger 沃倫·巴菲特和查理·芒格的五誡……………………… 28
Passage 11 How far can Amazon go?亞馬遜能走多遠?……………………… 31
Passage 12 Creative destruction 創造性的毀滅…………………………………… 36
Passage 13 In praise of second best 次好方案獲稱贊………………………… 40
Passage 14 The glass precipice 玻璃懸崖…………………………………………44
Passage 15 Return of the big deal 大型並購的回歸…………………………… 46
Passage 16 The great escape 大逃亡……………………………………………… 52
Passage 17 Pharmed out 走向全球………………………………………………… 55
Unit 2 Science and Technology ……………………………………………………… 59
Passage 1 Hot to trot 急不可待……………………………………………………… 59
Passage 2 You are what you eat 人如其食………………………………………… 61
Passage 3 The 3% solution 3%的解決方案……………………………………… 63
Passage 4 Gained in translation 翻譯何所得……………………………………… 67
Passage 5 Deadlier than the male 比「男颶風」更致命………………………… 71
Passage 6 Cutting down on cutting down 減少砍伐……………………………… 75
Passage 7 There』s an app for that 有管這個的應用…………………………… 78

Passage 8 Dilbert at war 呆伯特在戰斗…………………………………………… 80
Unit 3 Politics …………………………………………………………………………… 84
Passage 1 The Confederate flag:tear down this red rag 聯邦戰旗:撕掉這塊紅色的破布…………………………………………………… 84
Passage 2 Benefits reform:Labour needs a compelling response 福利
改革:工黨需要有說服力的回答……………………………………… 86
Passage 3 The Thatcher papers:too important to be saved by a taxbreak 撒切爾文件:非常重要,值得用減稅優惠來獲得………… 89
Passage 4 The Palace of Westminster:rebuilding from the rubble 威斯敏斯特宮:在廢墟中重建……………………………………………… 92
Passage 5 Party deputy leaders:a job about nothing 政黨副職領導人:形同虛設…………………………………………………………………… 95
Passage 6 The Anderson review:good,but only as far as it goes 安德森報告:目前來看還不錯…………………………………………………… 98
Passage 7 Universal credit:needs more work 通用福利問題:還有很多工作要做…………………………………………………………………… 101
Passage 8 Paying tax:a contribution to the common good 納稅:為公共利益做貢獻……………………………………………………………… 104
Passage 9 The politics of coal 煤炭政治………………………………………… 107
Passage 10 No,this is not what Obamacare will look like 不對,這不是奧巴馬醫改的預期的結果…………………………………………… 112
Passage 11 No quick fix 智囊用盡………………………………………………… 115
Passage 12 FATCA』s flaws 《海外賬戶納稅法案》的缺陷…………………… 117
Passage 13 Scrap them 取消才是正道…………………………………………… 120
Unit 4 Humannities and Arts ……………………………………………………… 124
Passage 1 The Tim Hunt affair:an explosive combination of science,sexism and social media 蒂姆·亨特事件:科學、性別歧視與社會媒體評論的猛烈碰撞………………………………………… 124
Passage 2 Alison Saunders:don?t sack her,back her 艾莉森·桑德斯:不要罷免她,我們支持她……………………………………………… 127
Passage 3 Legal highs:the sleep of reason 合法興奮藥物:沉睡的理性… 130
Passage 4 Religious education in schools:don?t trash it,transform it學校宗教教育:不能廢除,但需要變革……………………………… 132
Passage 5 Magna Carta:the magic of myth 大憲章:神話的魔力…………… 135
Passage 6 Charles Kennedy?s legacy:Lochaber no more 查爾斯·肯尼迪去世:輝煌不再……………………………………………………………139
Passage 7 Paris?s padlocks:the heart has its reasons 巴黎橋掛鎖:事出有因…………………………………………………………………… 141
Passage 8 Inside the box 狹室之內………………………………………………… 143
Passage 9 The great trailblazer 偉大的先驅者…………………………………… 146
Passage 10 A chip and a chair 一椅一籌碼……………………………………… 151
Passage 11 Well read 值得一讀…………………………………………………… 154
Passage 12 The case for eating steak and cream 吃牛排和乳脂的理由…… 157