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舒伯特: 聯篇歌曲(冬之旅) 克羅斯利-默瑟 男中音 尤安.埃侯 鋼琴
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舒伯特: 聯篇歌曲(冬之旅) 克羅斯利-默瑟 男中音 尤安.埃侯 鋼琴

出版日期: 2021-12-03
商品库存: 点击查询库存
定价:   NT729.00
市场价格: RM141.13
本店售价: RM125.61
促销价: RM118.55
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舒伯特: 聯篇歌曲(冬之旅)
愛德溫.克羅斯利-默瑟 男中音
尤安.埃侯 鋼琴

1st CD Book on MIRARE. First disc for the young French baryton Edwin Crossley-Mercer. When the lieder of Schubert inspire the great painter Claudine Franck… which is also the mother of Edwin Crossley-Mercer. The thread running through this frightening story is given by the character who appears in each illustration and is never the same, following W. Mu?llers and F. Schuberts inspiration. This traveller brings a symbolic and prophetic interpretation to everything he sees and takes us with him into the depths of the human soul, whose secrets could only be revealed by Schubert. Combining musicality, declamation and figurative art, this CD book offers a synesthetic perception of Romantic lieder through a unique collaboration between these two musicians and the french painter Claudine Franck.


Winterreise (Voyage dhiver - Winter Journey), D.911
1 - Gute Nacht (Bonne nuit - Good Night) 534
2 - Die Wetterfahne (La girouette - The Weather-vane) 137
3 - Gefrorene Tranen (Larmes de glace - Frozen Tears) 231
4 - Erstarrung (Congelation - Numbness) 257
5 - Der Lindenbaum (Le tilleul - The Linden Tree) 428
6 - Wasserflut (Debâcle - Torrent) 346
7 - Auf dem Flusse (Sur le fleuve - On the River) 318
8 - Ruckblick (Regard en arriere - Backward Glance) 219
9 - Irrlicht (Feu follet - Will O the Wisp) 223
10 - Rast (Repos - Repos) 321
11 - Fruhlingstraum (Rêve de printemps - Dreams of Spring) 342
12 - Einsamkeit (Solitude - Loneliness) 234
13 - Die Post (Le courrier - The Courrier) 219
14 - Der greise Kopf (La tête grisonne - The Grey Head) 230
15 - Die Krahe (La corneille - The Crow) 157
16 - Letzte Hoffnung (Dernier Espoir - Last Hope) 157
17 - Im Dorfe (Au village- In the Village) 258
18 - Der sturmische Morgen (Le matin de tempête - The Stormy Morning) 058
19 - Tauschung (Deception - Illusion) 125
20 - Der Wegweiser (Le poteau indicateur - The Signpost) 420
21 - Das Wirtshaus (Lauberge - The Wayside Inn) 359
22 - Mut (Courage - Courage) 136
23 - Die Nebensonnen (Les soleils paralleles - The Mock Suns) 227
24 - Der Leiermann (Le Joueur de vielle - The Hurdy-Gurdy Man) 329