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出版社: AVI
出版日期: 2021-11-06
商品库存: 点击查询库存
定价:   NT580.00
市场价格: RM112.29
本店售价: RM99.94
促销价: RM94.32
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這張專輯是Monet Quintett精心錄製的一份錄音.長年企劃後如今終於發行,片中選了四首動聽的曲目.喜歡木管室內樂作品的樂迷千萬不要錯過,強力推薦!
The debut CD from the Monet Quintett featuring rare Wind Quintets by Dubugnon, Taffanel, Holst and Francaix.
The woodwind quintet is probably the only instrumental combination in chamber music that can claim to have been invented twice. The colourful combination of flute, oboe, clarinet, horn, and bassoon was quite popular in 18th-century noble courts, probably due to its refreshing sonority reminiscent of serenade music: composers felt inspired to write a great number of works.
Swiss composer Richard Dubugnon's Frenglish Suite (1997) was inspired and influenced by several British and French composers. In the late 1800s, French flutist and composer Paul Taffanel devotedly started to create chamber music societies with the intention of reviving music of the past - an uncommon initiative in those times, and therefore much to his credit.
British composer Gustav Holst's Late Romantic Quintet in A Flat Major Op. 14 is not as well known, but sheds light on other aspects of this instrumental combination: en lieu of virtuosity, it features a great variety of harmonies and timbres, similarly to what Taffanel had sought in his slow movement.
Jean Françaix likewise possessed thorough knowledge of all five instruments and applied it specifically in his Quintet No. 1, with the goal of attaining a "high level of difficulty", as he remarked himself. Although Françaix wrote the piece in 1948, it was not until 1954 that five woodwind players of the Orchestre National in Paris drummed up the courage to perform the work in public after having reportedly "gone into confinement" for several months to practice it."
Dubugnon: Frenglish Suite, for Wind Quintet
Taffanel: Wind Quintet
Holst: Wind Quintet in A-Flat Major, Op. 114
Françaix: Wind Quintet, No. 1