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吉爾伊文斯 / 源於酷派【 Verve-Acoustic Sounds留聲美學經典昇華系列 】滾石爵士評鑑5星滿分最高評價 / 流行音樂百科全書5星最高頂級評價 / AMG-4星完美評價(LP黑膠唱片)(限台灣)
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吉爾伊文斯 / 源於酷派【 Verve-Acoustic Sounds留聲美學經典昇華系列 】滾石爵士評鑑5星滿分最高評價 / 流行音樂百科全書5星最高頂級評價 / AMG-4星完美評價(LP黑膠唱片)(限台灣)

出版社: Verve
出版日期: 2021-08-13
商品库存: 点击查询库存
定价:   NT1669.00
市场价格: RM323.12
本店售价: RM287.58
促销价: RM284.35
剩余时间: 请稍等, 正在载入中...
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★【Verve留聲美學經典昇華系列-Verve -"Acoustic Sounds" Series】-爵士名廠Verve最新開發的頂級音質序列精品黑膠系列【Verve留聲美學經典昇華系列-"Verve Acoustic Sounds"】以Verve Music Group旗下的經典爵士廠牌- Verve, Impulse, Mercury/EmArcy, and Argo/Cadet為強大的基底,所有精挑的瑰藏均以珍貴原始母帶重新製作re-mastered,所有此系列產品以180克重磅黑膠於堪薩斯州知名的QRP原地壓製,並以全新行家典藏級包裝格式生產,所有此系列產品由錄音界大師Chad Kassem與其聲震全球的"Acoustic Sounds"錄音室背書監製...
★Utilizing the skills of the top mastering engineers and the unsurpassed production craft of Quality Record Pressings, the Acoustic Sounds series is mastered from the original analog tapes, pressed on 180-gram vinyl and packaged by Stoughton Printing Co. in high-quality gatefold sleeves with tip-on jackets. The releases are supervised by Chad Kassem, CEO of Acoustic Sounds, the world’s largest source for audiophile recordings.
★The Acoustic Sounds series, a different storied label spanning Verve/UMe’s extraordinarily rich archive. To begin with, the series will largely focus on some of the most popular albums from the 1950s and 1960s in their unmatched catalogue
★A classic big-band album and one of the first-ever releases on the Impulse! label. If one album evokes the style, the ethos, and the vibe of Impulse! among those first LPs in 1961 it is Out of the Cool. It features a superb line-up. This album was a move towards greater freedom in Evans’ compositions and arrangements, but at the same time there are echoes of his recent work with Miles on his Birth of the Cool sessions in the late 1940s.The Penguin Guide to Jazz calls Out of the Cool, “Evans’ masterpiece under his own name and one of the best examples of jazz orchestration since the early Ellington bands”. Verve’s Acoustic Sounds Series features transfers from analog tapes and remastered 180-gram vinyl in deluxe gatefold packaging.

吉爾伊文斯,擁有「當代爵士編曲天王」美譽的,最為人熟知的是他於40年代末期面臨以速度、勁道、複雜及即興著稱而方興未艾之咆勃爵士風潮,與小號手邁爾戴維斯刻意柔化了前述樂風之稜角特質,發展出強調音樂結構、重視旋律表現、傳遞舒緩圓潤音色的酷派爵士,藉伊文斯精湛成熟的編曲技巧再加上戴維斯迷濛低迴的醉人音色所打造之優美典雅的曲式特別引人入迷,也成就了當年美國東西兩岸爵士樂“紐約咆勃、加州酷派"(New York Hot & California Cool) 之相互輝映盛況。然伊文斯對爵士樂的重要影響及貢獻不僅於此而已,他亦與時俱進地在調性爵士、前衛爵士及融合爵士等不同樂風發展上扮演成具指標性之關鍵角色,成為爵士樂壇執牛耳之一代宗師。本黑膠經典為60年代他與其大樂團為名在Impulse!廠牌所發行,納入土巴號及巴松管的大樂團編制所演奏以酷派爵士為主軸之樂曲,有沉靜柔美之詮釋,亦有恢弘大器之演繹;後者則是以鋼琴手西索泰勒、薩克斯風手亞契席普及低音提琴手亨利葛蘭姆斯等前衛好手為主,藉飆技競速帶來最蕩氣迴腸的爵士聲響!

1.La Nevada (Side A)
2.Where Flamingos Fly (Side A)
3.Bilbao Song (Side A)
4.Stratusphunk (Side B)
5.Sunken Treasure (Side B)