



Moonlight shone gently on the soft sands. Five sea turtles crawled out of the sand. The eldest led the way followed by the second, third and fourth, facing the moonlight, towards the sea. The fifth turtle thought that the light coming from one of the houses in the woods was the moonlight, and made his way towards it by itself. "CRUNCH"! Alas, it was swallowed whole by a beast. The beast went for the third turtle, and opened its mouth wide, preparing to bite. A boy saw what happened, and chased the beast away. The third turtle was lucky to escape death, and dived into the embrace of the ocean.


The third and the eldest of the sea turtles began their thrilling journey in the ocean. At the end, there might only be one survivor. A sea turtle's destiny, is to return to the shore it once came from to lay its eggs there after 25 years. The third turtle did not know whether it could live to be 25 years old and whether it would ever meet the boy again...

[作者] 许友彬
[出版社] 红蜻蜓
[ISBN] 9789670564012
[出版日期] 2013