
Teach Yourself --Swedish





1.Your passport, please !
Formal and informal introductions and greetings. Addressing people and saying ”Tank you”.Simple statements and questions.

2. It was a lovely meal!
Discussing where you live. Phrases used at meal times.Proposing a toast and expressing ppreciation. Counting from 0 to 12.

3.What time do you get up ?
Telling the time, parts of the day and days of the week. Saying what you do during the day. Counting from 13 to 100 and doing simple sums.

4. Would you like to come?
Discussing leisure activities and the weather. The seasons.

5. When does the bank open?
Phrases used at a bank and about Swedish money.Counting from 101 to 1 000 000 000 000.

6. How much is it?
Phrases used in shops. Accepting and declining offers in shops.

7. Where is the cafe?
Asking for and giving directions. Apologising and responding to apologies.

8. May I have the bill, please?
Ordering a meal in a restaurant. Stating likes and dislikes concerning food and drink. Complaining about the food or the service.

9. Have you ever driven on the right?
Asking for, granting or refusing permission. Enquiring about ability and offering advice. Road signs and cardinal points.

10. midsummer in Dalecarlia.
Discussing where you come from and what languages you speak. Asking others to do things, offering assistance and telling others not to do something.

11. Where are you going?
Making suggestions and accepting offers. Asking somebody to speak slowly . expressing displeasure.

12. Walking in Lapland .
Asking for information and expressing preference. Stating requirements when booking railway tickets. The months of the year.

13. Have you a room vacant?
Enquiring about hotel rooms and facilities. Booking a room. Asking for information about tourist attractions and events. Expressing satisfaction Dates.

14. Where have you been?
Saying that you like or dislike something.

15. Which line should I take?
Using public transport and hiring a car. Expressing surprise and doubt. Talking about politics.

16.What’s the matter?
Talking about illnesses and ailments. Medical advice. Persuading somebody to do something. Promising to do something. Promising to do something. Expressing indifference.

17. Would you like to go sking?
Making arrangements on the telephone. Phrases used in telegrams.

18. Happy Christmas!
Writing letter. Accepting and declining invitations. Expressing gratitude.

Key to the exercises

Some useful verbs

Swedish-English glossary

Index to grammar notes

[] ??語
[作者] Vera Croghan
[出版社] 冠唐
[ISBN] 0340618620
[出版日期] 1995-12-01
[页数] 310
[装帧] 盒裝
[规格] 20 / 單色印刷 / 普級
[版次] 初版