



  This book is a vivid pictorial record of the Republic of China’s diplomatic affairs, and explains how the Republic of China has struggled forward along its rough and uneven diplomatic road.

  From the 1.4 million historic pictures archived by the Central News Agency, we have selected 287 of the most valuable, and have reproduced them in this book, coverig the period 1935-1998. With the passage of the years, theses news photos now represent a valuable windows on history.

  The pictures contained in this book are the work of 55 photographers. Some of the photographs were taken by reporters under enemy fire, especially those taken in mainland China and brought to Taiwan during the years of upheaval. It is therefore of special significance to see these pictures reprinted here, half a century later.


[] ??際關係/外交
[出版社] 中央通訊社
[ISBN] 9789579990295
[出版日期] 1999-01-28
[页数] 342
[装帧] 精裝
[规格] 37.9 / 單色印刷 / 普級
[版次] 初版