
  Business Statistics in Practice, Eighth Edition provides a modern, practical and unique framework for teaching an introductory course in Business Statistics. The textbook employs realistic examples, continuing case studies and a business improvement theme to teach the material.



Bruce L. Bowerman

  現職:Miami University

Richard T. O'Connell

  現職:Miami University

Emily S. Murphree

  現職:Miami University


Ch 1 An Introduction to Business Statistics and Analytics
Ch 2 Descriptive Statistics: Tabular and Graphical Methods and Descriptive Analytics
Ch 3 Descriptive Statistics: Numerical Methods and Some Predictive Analytics
Ch 4 Probability and Probability Models
Ch 5 Discrete Random Variables
Ch 6 Continuous Random Variables
Ch 7 Sampling Distributions
Ch 8 Confidence Intervals
Ch 9 Hypothesis Testing
Ch10 Statistical Inferences Based on Two Samples
Ch11 Experimental Design and Analysis of Variances
Ch12 Chi-Square Tests
Ch13 Simple Linear Regression Analysis
Ch14 Multiple Regression and Model Building
Ch15 Time Series Forecasting and Index Numbers
Ch16 Process Improvement Using Control Charts
Ch17 Nonparametric Methods
Ch18 Decision Theory
Appendix A Statistical Tables
Appendix B An Introduction to Box-Jenkins Models

[作者] Bruce L. Bowerman,Richard T. O’Connell,Emily S. Murphree
[出版社] 華泰文化
[ISBN] 9781259253324
[出版日期] 2016-07-14
[页数] 890
[装帧] 平裝
[规格] 0 / 單色印刷 / 普級
[版次] 8版