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出版社: 马来西亚茶业商会Tea Trade Association of Malaysia
出版日期: 2023 年1 月1 日
商品库存: 20
市场价格: RM100.00
本店售价: RM90.00
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一探我国茶业发展与饮茶文化 Exploring Malaysia’s Tea Industry & Tea Culture


马来亚联合邦茶业商会自1955 年8 月21 日,由18 家本地茶商发起成立,翌年创会时会员已有60 家茶业宝号。茶商一般是同时销售自家唛头(商标)的中国茶及红茶粉,可想当时也许有超过100 个茶叶唛头在餐饮业中竞销!本会见证我国独立,配合着政府所拟定与茶业相关的法令,同时积极地为同业发声以创造更适合发展的商贸环境。1999 年更名为马来西亚茶业商会后,本会也开启了推广茶文化、与国际茶业接轨的使命。本书借由马来西亚茶业商会60 年的宝贵文件来一窥我国茶业的发展进程,并尝试从茶业的角度来谱写出我国人民的饮茶文化。不论您是喜欢传统的中国茶或是国饮拉茶,我们都扮演着共同打造马来西亚茶文化的一份子!
On 21st August 1955, Tea Merchants’ Association, Federation of Malaya (TMAFM) was initiated by 18 local tea merchants, and it had 60 members when it was established in 1956. Tea merchants usually sell both Chinese tea and black tea dust with their own trademarks, so there may be more than 100 tea trademarks in the market at that time! The Association has witnessed the independence of our country, worked closely with the government to fine-tune the laws and regulations related to tea, and been the voice of the tea industry to sustain a friendly tea business environment. After changing its name to Tea Trade Association of Malaysia (TTAM) in 1999, it has been actively promoting tea culture and interacting with the international tea industry. This book tries to grasp the development of Malaysia’s
tea industry through TTAM’s 60 years of documents, and map out the tea drinking culture of Malaysian from the perspective of the tea industry. Whether you love traditional Chinese tea or our national drink Teh Tarik, we have all played a part in contributing to Malaysia’s Tea Culture!

007 宗旨 & 会徽Aims & Objectives, Emblem
008 发刊词,编委会Preface, Editorial board
010 会长献词President Speech
012 本届理事会Current Board of Committee (2020-2023)
———人物篇The Greats
016 永远名誉主席 / 永久名誉会长
Permanent Honorary Chairman / Life honorary president
022 名誉会长Honorary President
023 名誉顾问Honorary Advisor
024 历届会长60 Years of Chairmanship
026 第一至第卅一届理事会1st to 31st Board of Committees
———创会篇The Establishment
058 契机 / 缘起when it all started
060 草创时期early stage
066 创会会员Founding Members
072 开幕典礼暨首届职员宣誓就职典礼
Opening ceremony & inaugural ceremony
093 创会章程Founding Rules & Regulations
———大事记The History
100 根基Foundation
100 / 章程与徽章
106 / 理事会
110 / 60 年理事名录
112 / 会员
116 / 永久会员 (2016)
118 / 普通会员 (2016)
122 / 会所
132 使命 Missions
132 / 协助同业的纠纷
136 / 为茶业服务
149 / 国家政策
165 / 社团参与与社会责任
168 推广Promotions
168 / 主办、联办、协办、支持及赞助茶活动
177 / 与国际茶业接轨
188 / 出版 / 印刷品
196 / 茶展
211 / 茶比赛
224 / 纪念茶
228 60 年活动简录 (1956-2016)
———茶叶在马来西亚Tea - A Malaysian Perspective
232 六堡“下南洋” Liu Pao Tea to Nanyang
236 百年茶园,百年商标
100 Years of Tea Plantations & Trademarks
238 20 世纪初到中期的大马茶商
Early to Mid-20th Century Malaysian Tea Merchants
239 大叶炒青茶Big Leaf Roasted Green Tea
241 覆焙乌龙茶Local Re-Firing Oolong Tea
244 国饮“拉茶” National Drink Teh Tarik
249 仓储普洱茶Second Home to Pu'Er Tea
254 老茶Aged Tea
255 马来西亚茶文化与茶艺Malaysia Tea Culture & Tea Arts
258 总结Conclusion
260 章程(2010 年)
271——马来西亚茶叶品牌长廊Tea Brands in malaysia (2016)