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当前位置: 首页 > 影音.CD > 荷蘭老牌巴洛克音樂天團La Sfera Armoniosa演奏荷蘭最具個人特色作曲家瓦森納的偉大作品
荷蘭老牌巴洛克音樂天團La Sfera Armoniosa演奏荷蘭最具個人特色作曲家瓦森納的偉大作品
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荷蘭老牌巴洛克音樂天團La Sfera Armoniosa演奏荷蘭最具個人特色作曲家瓦森納的偉大作品

出版社: Challenge
出版日期: 2024-02-07
商品库存: 点击查询库存
定价:   NT580.00
市场价格: RM112.29
本店售价: RM99.94
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Wassenaer這六首Concerti Armonici可以說是古樂界家喻戶曉的名曲,但在1980年代以前,這六首作品都被認為是裴高雷西(Giovanni Battista Pergolesi)的作品.直到1980才獲得正確的認知.是非常動聽的巴洛克作品.
成立於1992年的荷蘭巴洛克音樂天團La Sfera Armoniosa,在指揮Mike Fentross的率領下與Challenge展開了一系列以實況錄音方式呈現巴洛克音樂的企劃.本發行是此系列的第五輯.
CC-72783 普賽爾的經典名曲集
CC-72829 荷蘭巴洛克時期偉大作曲家Willem de Fesch作品
CC-72774  Francesco Cavalli: L’ipermestra
CC-72911 荷蘭的韓德爾~海倫達爾 / 六首大協奏曲
Unico Wilhelm van Wassenaer (1692-1766) is one of the most remarkable personalities in Dutch music history. Until 1980, his music - the six ‘Concerti armonici’ - was well known to every lover of early music, but not his name. These works were universally understood to be by Giovanni Battista Pergolesi or by Carlo Ricciotti, who published them in 1740 but did not compose them. Unico Wilhelm van Wassenaer was well known to Dutch historians as a descendant of the renowned noble Van Wassenaer family, but nobody knew that he was also a composer. Thanks to a lucky find by the Dutch musicologist Albert Dunning in 1980, man and music could be connected with one another. In 1740, a collection of six concertos for strings and basso continuo, was published in The Hague under the title VI Concerti armonici. The Concerti armonici can be associated with musical performances that took place in the 1720s in The Hague.
Unico Wilhelm van Wassenaer:
Concerto Armonico I
Concerto Armonico II
Concerto Armonico III
Concerto Armonico IV
Concerto Armonico V
Concerto Armonico VI
Mike Fentross / La Sfera Armoniosa