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桑尼.羅林斯 / 爵士脈動典藏【 Verve-Acoustic Sounds留聲美學經典昇華系列 】AMG - 4星完美評價 / 滾石爵士評鑑4星 (LP黑膠唱片)(限台灣)
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桑尼.羅林斯 / 爵士脈動典藏【 Verve-Acoustic Sounds留聲美學經典昇華系列 】AMG - 4星完美評價 / 滾石爵士評鑑4星 (LP黑膠唱片)(限台灣)

出版社: Verve
出版日期: 2021-08-13
商品库存: 点击查询库存
定价:   NT1669.00
市场价格: RM323.12
本店售价: RM287.58
促销价: RM284.35
剩余时间: 请稍等, 正在载入中...
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★【Verve留聲美學經典昇華系列-Verve -"Acoustic Sounds" Series】-爵士名廠Verve最新開發的頂級音質序列精品黑膠系列【Verve留聲美學經典昇華系列-"Verve Acoustic Sounds"】以Verve Music Group旗下的經典爵士廠牌- Verve, Impulse, Mercury/EmArcy, and Argo/Cadet為強大的基底,所有精挑的瑰藏均以珍貴原始母帶重新製作re-mastered,所有此系列產品以180克重磅黑膠於堪薩斯州知名的QRP原地壓製,並以全新行家典藏級包裝格式生產,所有此系列產品由錄音界大師Chad Kassem與其聲震全球的"Acoustic Sounds"錄音室背書監製...
★Utilizing the skills of the top mastering engineers and the unsurpassed production craft of Quality Record Pressings, the Acoustic Sounds series is mastered from the original analog tapes, pressed on 180-gram vinyl and packaged by Stoughton Printing Co. in high-quality gatefold sleeves with tip-on jackets. The releases are supervised by Chad Kassem, CEO of Acoustic Sounds, the world’s largest source for audiophile recordings.
★The Acoustic Sounds series, a different storied label spanning Verve/UMe’s extraordinarily rich archive. To begin with, the series will largely focus on some of the most popular albums from the 1950s and 1960s in their unmatched catalogue
★The first of Sonny’s albums for Impulse!, this 1965 collection caught Rollins at the peak of his creative powers, and is arguably the tenor hero’s best for the label–an intense, freewheeling set, featuring classic takes on ‘On Green Dolphin Street’ and ‘Three Little Words’ in the company of Ray Bryant (piano), Walter Booker (bass) and Mickey Roker (drums).  Verve’s Acoustic Sounds Series features transfers from analog tapes and remastered 180-gram vinyl in deluxe gatefold packaging.

Sonny Rollins是目前碩果僅存的最偉大爵士大師之一(已高齡91歲),他出生於1930年,弱冠之年便開始參與J.J. Johnson、Bud Powell的錄音,50年代更陸續與邁爾.戴維斯、塞隆尼斯.孟克...等前輩合作,接著又加入Max Roach與Clifford Brown的五重奏,待1957年Brown死後,羅林斯便成為樂團領導者。為了在競爭激烈的爵士樂界出人頭地,1950年代中期左右,他捨棄Charlie Parker以和絃作為即興基礎的演奏方式,改採以旋律為即興骨幹的方式演奏,至今仍影響不少樂手,1960年代自由爵士興起也或多或少受其影響。

雖然羅林斯成名於Bebop時期但是隨著時代變遷,他演奏的音色也趨於柔和,加入一些流行元素,使他的音樂在進入90年代甚至即將跨向21世紀更同時保有爵士的即興與浪漫優雅的情感。在其音樂生涯中,一直是爵士樂壇中最受尊崇的大師級樂手,他在爵士樂壇中的成就與影響力不下於柯曼霍金斯、李斯特楊及約翰柯川等。本張專輯為當年羅林斯在爵士名廠Impulse!旗下所錄製的第一張錄音室作品,1965年由Bob Thiele製作,從“Hold’Em Joe"的動人到其它四闕經典的個人化演詮,大師曲藝盡顯。

1.On Green Dolphin Street  (Side A)
2.Everything Happens To Me  (Side A)
3.Hold 'Em Joe  (Side B)
4.Blue Room   (Side B)
5.Three Little Words  (Side B)